How To Running For Weight Loss – A Great Opportunity

How To Running For Weight Loss is a challenge for many people. Many of us are in a situation where we want to lose some weight and there are many ways to do it. You can change your diet, invest in expensive training equipment or just join a training center and hire a personal trainer to keep you on track when you want to quit your exercises. In this beginners guide to running for weight loss, you’ll see how to plan for weight loss by running.

Beginners Guide To Running For Weight Loss

The easiest way to lose weight is actually by running and keeping an eye on your food intake, which means at least don’t eat more when you start as you already do. So, how to run for weight loss – a great opportunity is true for you too, if you wish to get started. 

Because everyone can run and it’s the easiest form of exercise and also the most natural since we all have been running as kids and we remember how when we do it again. The weight loss will begin because you use more energy than before, which means the energy has to come from what already sits on your body as fat.

It can also be a good idea with supplemental easy strength- and stretching training to attain better fitness.

 How to Run for Weight Loss a plate with burn fat written on
An empty Plate with burn fat written

How To Exercise For Weight Loss – Your Feet!

The only thing you need to get started is running shoes on your feet. Running is actually one of the best exercises for people who want to lose weight. It’s something you can do at all times of the day or even at night. So, it can fit in practically every time plan.

You burn a lot of calories when you run, and that is the formula for weight loss. Running also strengthens your heart and cardiovascular system, so you prevent many different lifestyle diseases.

Running for Weight Loss doesn’t Mean You have to Run a Marathon!

To start with running can be scary for many because it can be hard to get started particularly for a person with sedentary work, who does not have done any kind of physical exercise in a long time. But think about that you do not have to train as if you are going to run a marathon in the future.

You just have to start slowly, so you don’t get an injury and that is easy, you get in shape very fast so you can run both longer and faster.

Some tips to get started will be to warm up particular your legs before you start running and stretch your legs in a couple of minutes.

 How to Run for Weight Loss Woman warm up in open landscape
Woman warm up in the open landscape before running

Don’t run too fast in the beginning, because you risk getting too tired and maybe quitting and are more exposed to injuries. When you then get started just run fast enough so you can keep a conversation or sing the songs you listen to in your earplugs. Your endurance will increase and very soon you can increase your pace a little or make the run a little longer than usual.

Running Frequency Should Be 3 Times a Week

In the beginning, you should not run more than 3 times a week and never 2 days in a row. The body needs time to get ready again after every training session. If you want to lose weight fast after a while it recommends that you run up to 4 times per week – but still at a ‘speaking’ pace.

When you get better at running and the distance is increased, it’s a good idea to practice interval training in at least one of your running sessions. Interval training increases your combustion and you will achieve faster weight loss.

How To Running For Weight Loss - A Great Opportunity

You can perform interval training in this way:

Run in 5 minutes at an easy pace as warm-up. Then sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds and then slow down all the way until your heart rate returns to normal. This exercise repeats 5 – 10 times if you can. In the beginning, it is okay to walk between the intervals. As you get better at interval training, you can increase the intervals up to 1 minute at a time.

Interval training is the best form of training if you want to lose weight because you combust calories a long time after the training is stopped. Now you start to get success with your weight loss and each time you experience success in a field, you enter evident in your own and others’ consciousness.

So, permit yourself to celebrate your small successes, then it’s easier to continue with your running project.

When Running For Weight Loss You Need to Look at Your Diet 

 How to Run for Weight Loss a plate with weight loss written on
A plate with weight loss written to be aware of what we eat

If you are serious about your weight loss, you will also need to look at your diet. Don’t make a too big calorie deficit every day and starve yourself, because your body needs calories that are converted into energy, but you shouldn’t have more calories than you can combust in a day as mentioned at the beginning.

In practice, women combust approx. 2000 calories daily and men 2500. If you run 3-4 times a week and do not eat more calories than recommended, you will automatically achieve weight loss.

If the calorie intake is lowered further, the weight loss will go faster. Try making a 600-calorie deficit a day and you will see results quickly. A calorie deficit of 600 daily will cause a weight loss of approx. 1 kg per week, which is a healthy way to lose weight and it is a weight loss you can keep.

Running is the cheapest way to get in shape and at the same time lose weight. Everyone can do it, and once you get into the routine, you just go for it. If you lack motivation, you can sign up for some public races. Start with 3 – 5 km and in the future, you can try 10 km. or longer.

Running with Others A Great Opportunity

For many people are the social aspect a very important motivation to run. If you have an agreement with other runners and friends it is also more difficult to skip the training, than if you run for yourself. When the talk goes on in the running group during the run, you also forget if it’s raining, blowing or even snowing. And it is also nice to know that we are more to share the bad weather and tired legs.

If you are running for weight loss, I hope you like this review and if you have any questions about how to run for weight loss – is absolutely possible or want to leave your own Personal review, please leave a comment below.

How should I run if I want to lose weight?

If you run about 30 min. a day and keep an eye on your food intake, which means at least don't eat more when you start than you already do. Then you burn more fat than you intake as food and you'll lose weight.
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5 thoughts on “How To Running For Weight Loss – A Great Opportunity”

  1. Running for weight loss is a great idea. When I was about 19 or 20, I wanted to lose weight and started to go to the gym but that was not enough to burn fat, that just tones the muscles and increases metabolism, but to burn fat I started to run three times a week as well. I got to the point when it became my routine and when I couldn’t run and couldn’t go to the gym I was missing it. Like cravings for sports 🙂 
    I would run alone or with my friend but to be honest, I prefer running alone because I set my own pace

    Now I only go for long walks but I’m thinking about running again, it gives you energy and there are many other benefits. 
    I like how you summed it all up in this article, there’s everything one needs to know when starting with running.

    • Hi Lenka

      Thank you for the comment. If you have been running before it will be easier to start up again and if you prefer running alone setting your own pace it’s a good choice in these times

      Be Well

  2. This is some essential information you are giving me here on how I should be able to lose weight through running and it is something that I wouldn’t consider especially because I used to love running before I had so much weight. Don’t you think that one should start with walking or jogging first.

    • Hi Jackie

      Thank you for the comment. Yes your starting point should always be from where you are. If your starting point is ex. walking, you could start walking in 20 – 30 min. in talking pace and then increase over time. You can use the Borg Scale to measure your pace and progress.

      Be Well


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